
Coconut Dream


Lana’s hidden gem – light coconut chiffon with rich coconut cream and perfectly balanced gula-melaka is a must for coconut lovers.

Our Coconut Dream cake is our most complicated cake we make. When we make coconut cake, we go to Teka Market to buy fresh grated coconut. We prepare coconut cream the old traditional way using a muslin cloth. The rich coconut cream is used to prepare 3 parts of this amazing cake: coconut chiffon, coconut butter cream, & the special gula- melaka cream used in the centre layer.

The Coconut Dream cake is usually available on alternate Friday and Saturdays, and is usually booked up in advance due to our healthy wait list. Please call us in advance to enquire about next available date. We plan production dates about 6 weeks in advance.

Note: This cake is not available for online order at this point, please call us at +65 6466-5315 or email us to enquire.

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